Bee City USA®
The City of Grapevine is a Bee City USA®. Dedicated to improving our landscapes for pollinators.
Tree Sharing Program
A joint effort between the City of Grapevine and Grapevine Homeowners in “sharing” the cost of up to two trees per household planted in the homeowner’s yard.
Keep Grapevine Beautiful
Keep Grapevine Beautiful (KGVB) is a nonprofit organization dedicated to our preservation and enhancement of our local, natural environment by…
Tree City USA Member
The year, 2018, marked the 32nd year of TREE CITY USA certification for Grapevine, as awarded by…
Grapevine Garden Club
The Grapevine Garden Club – organized in 1932, and the Texas Garden Club of the Year in 2011, 2014, and 2015. We are one of the largest…