Parks & Recreation Regulations
Please review this web page about the Parks & Recreation regulations to help keep everyone safe and keep the park beautiful and functional.
City of Grapevine Code of Ordinances
City of Grapevine Parks & Recreation
Code of Ordinances
The following regulations are taken from the Code of Ordinances and are enforceable.
Sec. 6-16. – Urinating or defecating on sidewalks, public parks, alleys and other places open to the public or on certain private property prohibited.
- Sec. 16-5. – Alcoholic beverages in parks—Definitions.
- It shall be unlawful for the owner or harborer of any animal to allow such animal to urinate or defecate upon sidewalks, public parks, alleys, other places open to the public, or on private property without permission of the owner thereof. In the event that the owner or harborer of such animal is unable to prevent the deposit of defecation in violation of this section, it shall be the duty of such person to properly dispose of such waste material.
A used in sections 16-6 and 16-7, the following terms shall have the respective meanings ascribed to them:
Alcoholic beverage: Alcoholic and any beverage containing more than one-half of one percent of alcohol by volume which is capable of use for beverage purposes, either alone or when diluted.
Camping and picnicking area: The area specifically posted and delineated in Oak Grove Park.
Public parks: All parks, playgrounds, recreational areas owned, leased, operated or under the control of the city. This definition includes all athletic fields, swimming pools, gymnasiums, tennis courts and other similar facilities owned, leased or operated by the city, except that city-owned and operated golf courses are not included in this definition.
Sec. 16-6. – Same—Prohibited
(a) Except as provided by subsection (b), it shall be unlawful for any person to possess or consume any alcoholic beverage in a public park of the city.
(b) Consumption of alcoholic beverages is permitted at Grapevine Lake and the reservoir area as provided by section 16-55.
Sec. 16-7. – Same—Exception
The city manager or his duly-appointed representative is authorized, at his discretion, to designate and mark specific areas of public parks for picnicking and to allow nonprofit groups and organizations to obtain temporary written permission from the city to hold functions. Section 16-6 shall not be applicable to the specifically marked areas.
Sec. 16-8 – Operation of all vessels or watercraft in protected areas on Lake Grapevine; posting of signs
(a) Definitions.
(1) Vessels or watercraft, including, but not limited to, powerboats, cruisers, houseboats, sailboats, jet skis and any other such equipment capable of navigation on water.
(b) Speed limits. It shall be unlawful for any person to operate a vessel or watercraft so as to cause a hazardous wake or wash within a water area that has been clearly marked by buoys. It shall also be unlawful for any person to operate a vessel or watercraft within a water area that has been clearly marked by buoys or some other distinguishing device as a bathing, fishing, swimming or otherwise restricted area by a political subdivision of the state.
(c) Posting of signs. The city manager or his designated representative is directed to post signs at appropriate locations on Lake Grapevine to notify parties of said “No Wake” zone.”
Sec. 16-9 Horses are prohibited in park.
It shall be unlawful for any person to drive or ride a horse or horses within the limits of any park owned or leased by the city.
Sec. 16-10 Vehicular traffic (motorized) is prohibited in public parks and on trails
(a) It shall be unlawful for any motor vehicle traffic to stop, stand, park or cross over or into any park, playground or recreational area owned, leased, operated or under control of the city, except in specifically designated areas or when city sponsored or co-sponsored events are being held.
(b) The city manager or his designated representative is directed to post signs giving notice that all vehicular traffic is prohibited except in specifically designated areas.
Sec. 16-11 Bicycling and skating prohibited on tennis courts and basketball courts
(a) It shall be unlawful for any person to ride a bicycle, skateboard, in-line skates or rollerskates on any tennis court or basketball court owned or leased by the city.
(b) The city manager or his designated representative is directed to post signs giving notice that such action is prohibited.
Sec. 16-12 Golfing in public parks (including athletic fields) prohibited
(a) It shall be unlawful for any person to hit a golf ball in, into, upon or over any public park owned or leased by the city except in areas designated and posted with proper signage.
(b) The city manager or his designated representative is directed to post signs giving notice that such action is prohibited in public parks except in areas designated for that purpose.
Sec. 16-13 Glass containers in parks prohibited
(a) Definitions.
(1) Glass beverage container means a container for the holding of a liquid for drinking purposes, which container is made of glass.
(2) Parks shall mean any public parks owned, operated or under control of the city.
(b) Possession unlawful; exceptions.
(1) It shall be unlawful for any person to use or possess any glass beverage container in any park owned or leased by the city.
(2) The prohibition in this section shall not apply where any such glass beverage container is used or possessed within the immediate enclosed confines of any privately owned or operated motor vehicle.
(c) The city manager or his designated representative is directed to post signs giving notice that all glass containers are prohibited.
Sec. 16-14 Park closing—Hours of operation.
(a) All neighborhood parks and joint use school park sites, being those parks that do not exceed three acres in size and serve residents within a limited area or neighborhood, have limited facilities, and are owned or leased by the City of Grapevine, shall be closed to the public from one-half hour after sunset to one-half hour before sunrise.
(b) The following City leased parks, Lakeview Park, Meadowmere Park and Rockledge Park, will be closed to the public at the hours posted at the entrance of the parks. Anyone in the leased parks above after the closing of the park shall be in violation of the ordinance and punishable by fine. The city manager, or his designee, is authorized to establish the hours of said parks and to post signs at the entrance to said parks displaying the hours for the parks.
(c) All other park areas owned or leased by the city shall be closed to the public from 10:00 p.m. until 5:00 a.m. each day, except as provided by authorization from the City Manager or the City Manager’s designee.
(d) The only exceptions to the hours of operation of the park areas above are when city sponsored, co-sponsored, or school sponsored events are being held or events authorized by permit by the director of parks and recreation of his designee.
(e) The city manager or his designated representative, is authorized and directed to place signs at appropriate locations in all parks and joint use school park sites to notify all persons of the prohibited hours and the maximum fine for the violation of the ordinance. The notice required by this section will be sufficient if a sign or signs are visible from public streets adjoining the parks.
Sec. 16-15 Above ground utilities/ (public or private) prohibited in public parks.
(a) It shall be unlawful to construct, own, operate or maintain any utilities, utility facilities, or utility related facilities (public or private) in a public park, as defined in section 16-5, above ground, except as otherwise provided herein. This provision does not apply to utilities, utility facilities, or utility related facilities constructed prior to the effective date of this section.
(b) Any party may appeal the applicability of this section to the city manager on the grounds that the enforcement of this section would be an unnecessary hardship, provided such appeal is made in writing to the city manager within ten days of the occurrence on which the appeal is based. The city manager shall only grant an appeal of the applicability of this section based on a showing that these requirements are contrary to the applicant’s preexisting legal rights or result in unreasonable hardship. The city manager’s decision shall be in writing and is final.
Sec. 16-16 Athletic Field Closure
(a) It shall be unlawful for any person to trespass onto any athletic field that has been posted “Closed due to Maintenance/Field Conditions”.
(b) The city manager or his designated representative is directed to post signs giving notice that such action is prohibited in designated areas of public parks.
Sec. 16-17 Fishing or jumping from bridges and right-of-way unlawful
(a) It shall be unlawful for any person to knowingly or intentionally fish, by any means, from any bridge, pier, abutment, or public right-of-way in the city.
(b) It shall be unlawful for any person to knowingly or intentionally leap or jump from any bridge, pier, abutment, or public right-of-way in the city into or towards a body of water or the ground below.
Sec. 16-18 Tobacco and e-cigarette free parks and park facilities
(a) It shall be unlawful for any person to smoke E-cigarettes or tobacco or chew or dip tobacco or snuff at any parks or park facility owned or leased by the city that has been posted:
“This park/park facility is tobacco and e-cigarette free.”
(b) The council shall designate any city owned or leased park or park facility as tobacco and E-cigarette free and upon such designation, the city manager or the city manager’s designee is authorized to post signs giving notice that such action is prohibited in such park or park facility.
(c) In this section, “e-cigarette” means any electronic device that is designed to deliver nicotine or other chemicals or substances by creating a vapor or mist that is deliverable to the user through inhalation in the simulation of smoking. This term shall include every version and type of such devices whether they are manufactured or marketed as electronic cigarettes, e-cigarettes, electronic cigars, e-cigars, electronic pipes, e-pipes, or under any other product name or description.
Sec. 16-19 Youth programs standards of care
The city council hereby adopted the City of Grapevine Youth Programs Standards of Care for providing basic child care regulations for day camp activities operated by the parks and recreation department, as well as other departments. As required by V.T.C.A., Human Resources Code § 42.041(b)(14), the standards adopted by this section include staffing ratios, minimum staff qualifications; minimum facility, health, and safety standards; and mechanisms for monitoring and enforcing the adopted local standards. A substantial copy of the City of Grapevine Youth Programs Standards of Care is attached hereto and incorporated herein for all intents and purposes and shall be available on the city’s website under the parks and recreation subhead.
Sec. 16-20 Firearms and other weapons
- It shall be unlawful for a person, other than peace officers and those persons licensed to carry a handgun under the authority of Subchapter H, Chapter 411, Government Code, to possess, exhibit or display a firearm or air gun in any public park, athletic field, or recreational facility.
(b) It shall be unlawful to discharge a firearm or any other hunting device within, across, or on any public park or recreational facility.
(c) Except as provided by subsection (a), it shall be unlawful for a person to possess a bow and arrow, a crossbow, or any other dangerous weapon as defined and listed in V.T.C.A., Penal Code § 46.01, as amended.
(d) For the purposes of this section, “handgun” has the meaning assigned by V.T.C.A., Penal Code § 46.01(5), as amended.
(e) For the purposes of this section, “air gun” means any gun that discharges a pellet, BB, or paintball by means of compressed air, gas propellant, or a spring.
(f) This section does not apply to possession of a firearm at Grapevine Lake and the reservoir area, which is governed by article III of this chapter.
Sec. 16-21 Permit required for non-sponsored organized groups and commercial trainers
(a) It shall be unlawful for a person to manage or participate in any non-sponsored organized group activity in a city park, athletic field, or facility without first obtaining authorization by permit from the director of parks and recreation or the director’s designee.
(b) It shall be unlawful for a person to provide fitness programs, activity instruction or athletic instruction for compensation in any city park, lake park, athletic field, or facility without first obtaining authorization by permit from the director of parks and recreation or the director’s designee.
(c) The parks and recreation department shall promulgate regulations implementing this section, which address the authorization system, permit types, requirements and methods of issuance, limits on locations, hours and group size restriction and other regulations as needed.
(d) For the purposes of this section, “non-sponsored organized group activity” means an organized group not officially recognized by, permitted through or contracted with the city parks and recreation department that is engaged in various athletic activities, including but not limited to gaming events that involve the use of a baseball, softball, kickball, volleyball, football, soccer, rugby, lacrosse, or frisbee.
Sec. 16-31. – Presence of unauthorized persons in area during posted times prohibited; authority to post signs; definition.
(a) It shall be unlawful for any person to enter into or be within the area delineated as the Grapevine Municipal Golf Course located on the United States Government property at Grapevine Lake during the time that duly posted signs preclude unauthorized persons within said area.
(b) The city manager or his duly designated employee shall be authorized and directed to post signs at a point where the primary streets, roads and arteries leading to the golf course enter the golf course, which signs shall state “No Unauthorized Parties Allowed on Grapevine Municipal Golf Course Property Between the Hours of ____________ p.m. to ____________ a.m.”
(c) The definition of “unauthorized parties,” means any individual who has not been authorized by the federal, state, county or local government to be on the property pursuant to his or her official duties, or any individual who is not attending a city approved function at the golf course.
Sec. 16-32. – Fees; policies and procedures.
(a) Fees established. Green fees for the Grapevine Municipal Golf Course are hereby set and established as follows:
(1) Weekdays (Monday through Thursday):
- Regular green fee ….. $34.00
- Twilight green fee ….. $21.00
- 9 Holes ….. $21.00
- Senior citizen (age 60 and above) ….. $19.00
- Junior (age 18 and under) ….. $19.00
(2) Weekends (Friday through Sunday) and holidays:
- Green fee ….. $43.00
- Twilight green fee ….. $24.00
- 9 Holes ….. $24.00
(3) Cart, club, lesson and range ball fee:
- Electric golf carts:
- 18 Holes ….. $16.00 + tax per person
- 9 Holes ….. $9.00+ tax per person
- Range balls (25—30 balls) ….. $5.00 + tax
- Golf lessons:
- Per private lesson (plus tokens) ….. $65.00
- Clubs ….. $45.00 + tax
- Gold card fee ….. $80.00 + tax
- Tournament booking fee ….. $50.00
- Punch cards:
20 green fees (Monday through Thursday) ….. $578.00
20 green fees (anytime) ….. $731.00
- Annual pass ….. $3,000.00
(4) Twilight times shall be after 1:30 p.m. during non-daylight savings times and after 3:00 p.m. during daylight savings times.
(5) Grapevine citizens receive a 20 percent discount on all fees upon proof of residency.
(b) Green fee ticket. It shall be unlawful to play the Grapevine Municipal Golf Course without a valid green fee ticket in possession of the player at all times.
(c) Authority, duties of golf pro; posting of regulations; periodic review; violation unlawful.
(1) The golf pro for the Grapevine Municipal Golf Course, as designated by the city council, is hereby authorized and directed to establish golf course policies and procedures. The policies and procedures shall govern tee off times, regulation of play, operation of electric carts and pull carts, rain checks, golf etiquette and other matters that are deemed necessary to ensure that all using the facility will have a safe and orderly course to play.
(2) The golf course policies and procedures established by the golf pro pursuant to this section shall be in writing and posted in a prominent place in the clubhouse and be available for the general public to read and review.
(3) The city council shall periodically review the promulgated golf course policies and procedures and may at any time, review, revoke, amend or repeal same.
(4) It shall be unlawful to violate any of the golf course policies and procedures.
Sec. 16-33. – Alcoholic beverages and coolers.
(a) No alcoholic beverages shall be brought upon the premises of the Grapevine Municipal Golf Course, except those alcoholic beverages delivered to the golf course for sale by the golf course. Any alcoholic beverages brought onto the golf course must be removed from the premises by the person bringing said alcoholic beverage onto the premises.
(b) No containers shall be brought upon the premises of the Grapevine Municipal Golf Course.
(c) The appropriate signs shall be posted by the golf pro at the golf course advising patrons of the terms and conditions of this section.
(d) For the purposes of this section, a “cooler” is an insulated container containing ice or other frozen substances, designed and utilized for keeping beverages or food cold.
Sec. 16-41. – Scope.
This article shall apply to Grapevine Lake and the reservoir area, including the reservoir area property.
Sec. 16-42. – Definitions.
In connection with this article, the following definitions shall govern:
(a) Chief of police shall mean the Chief of Police of the City of Grapevine, Texas, or his designated representative.
(b) District engineer shall mean the District Engineer of the United States Army Corps of Engineers, or his designated representative.
(c) City manager shall mean the City Manager for the City of Grapevine, or his/her designated representative.
(d) Reservoir area shall mean:
(1) Grapevine Lake, Grapevine Dam, and all surrounding areas, which are owned by the federal government and are leased to the City of Grapevine, Texas, and which are within the corporate limits of the City of Grapevine, Texas, and
(2) The area surrounding Grapevine Lake and below Grapevine Dam, which is owned by the federal government and not leased by the City of Grapevine, Texas, and which lies within the corporate limits of the City of Grapevine, Texas, and
(3) Any reservoir area property located on or at the areas described in (c)(1) and (c)(2) of this section.
(e) Reservoir area property shall mean any and all personal property facilities or buildings which are owned by the federal government and are located in Grapevine Lake at the reservoir area.
(f) Posted restrictions shall mean any and all restrictions, rules, and regulations promulgated by the United States Army Corps of Engineers which govern the use of Grapevine Lake, the reservoir area, or the reservoir area property.
(g) Alcoholic beverage shall mean alcohol, or any beverage containing more than one-half of one percent of alcohol by volume, which is capable of use for beverage purposes, either alone or when diluted.
Sec. 16-43 – Operation and parking of vehicles
(a) This section pertains to all vehicles, including, but not limited to, automobiles, trucks, motorcycles, minibikes, trail bikes, snowmobiles, dune buggies, all terrain vehicles, bicycles, and trailers, campers, or any other such equipment.
(b) Vehicles shall not be parked in violation of posted restrictions or in such a manner as to endanger Grapevine Lake, the reservoir area, or any environmental feature. The owner of any vehicle parked in violation of this section shall be presumed to have parked it, and unless rebutted, such presumption will be sufficient to sustain a conviction as provided for in section 16-55.
(c) The operation of a vehicle off roadways is prohibited except at locations and times designated by the city manager.
(d) Vehicles shall be operated only in accordance with posted regulations.
(e) No persons shall operate any vehicle in a careless, negligent, or reckless manner as to endanger Grapevine Lake, the reservoir area, or any environmental feature.
(f) At developed areas, vehicles shall be used only for ingress and egress unless otherwise permitted by posted regulations.
(g) Except as authorized by the city manager, no person shall operate any motorized vehicle without a proper and effective exhaust muffler, or with an exhaust muffler cutout open, or in any other manner which renders the exhaust muffler ineffective in muffling the sound of engine exhaust.
Sec. 16-44 – Watercraft
(a) The placement and/or operation of any vessel or watercraft for a fee or profit upon Grapevine Lake or at the reservoir area is prohibited except as authorized by permit, lease, license, or concession contract with the Department of the United States Army, which permit shall be kept on the vessel or watercraft at all times while in operation on or at Grapevine Lake or the reservoir area.
(b) Vessels or other watercraft may be operated in Grapevine Lake, except in prohibited or restricted areas, in accordance with posted regulations and applicable federal, state, and local laws.
(c) The operation of vessels or other watercraft in a careless, negligent, or reckless manner so as to endanger any property or person (including the operator and/or user(s) of the vessel or watercraft) is prohibited.
(d) All vessels or other watercraft, when in use, shall have safety equipment on board in compliance with U.S. Coast Guard boating safety requirements.
(e)Vessels or other watercraft while moored in commercial facilities, community or corporate docks, or at any fixed or permanent mooring point may only be used for overnight occupancy when such use is incidental to recreational boating. Vessels or other watercraft are not to be used as a place of habitation or residence.
(f) Water skis and similar devices are permitted in nonrestricted areas, except that they may not be used in a careless, negligent, or reckless manner so as to endanger any property or person, including the user or operator of the towing vessel or other watercraft.
(g) All vessels or other watercraft, when not in actual use, shall be removed from Grapevine Lake and the reservoir area unless securely moored at mooring facilities approved by the district engineer. The placing of floating or stationary mooring facilities to, or interfering with, a buoy, channel marker, or other navigational aid is prohibited.
(h) The use at Grapevine Lake and the reservoir area of any vessel or other watercraft not constructed or maintained in compliance with the standards and requirements established by the National Safe Boating Act of 1971, and any amendments thereto, or promulgated pursuant to such act, is prohibited.
(i) The discharge or placing of sewage, galley waste, garbage, refuse, metal cans, or pollutants into Grapevine Lake or upon the reservoir area from any vessel or other watercraft is prohibited.
(j) Except as authorized by the district engineer, no person shall operate any vessel or other watercraft without a proper and effective exhaust muffler, or with an exhaust muffler cutout open, or in any other manner which renders the exhaust muffler ineffective in muffling the sound of engine exhaust.
Sec. 16-45 – Camping
(a) Camping is permitted only at sites and/or areas designated by the city manager.
(b) Camping at one or more campsites at the reservoir area for a period longer than 42 consecutive days from April 1st through September 30th and for 120 days from October 1st through March 30th is prohibited.
(c) The placement of camping equipment on a campsite or intermittent personal appearance at a campsite for the purpose of reserving a designated campsite for future occupancy is prohibited.
(d) The digging or leveling of any ground or the construction of any structure without written permission of the city manager is prohibited.
(e) Campers shall keep their campsites free of trash and litter during the period of occupancy and shall clean their campsites and remove all personal equipment upon departure.
(Ord. No. 83-21, § 5, 5-3-83; Ord. No. 2003-13, §§ 3, 4, 11-18-03)
Sec. 16-46. – Fires.
(a) Gasoline and other fuels, except that which is contained in storage tanks of vehicles, vessels, camping equipment, or hand portable containers, shall not be carried onto or stored within Grapevine Lake or the reservoir area without written permission of the city manager.
(b) Fires shall be confined to those areas designated by the city manager and shall be confined to fireplaces, grills, or other facilities designed for this purpose. Fires shall not be left unattended and must be completely extinguished prior to departure.
(c) The gathering of wood is prohibited without written permission of the city manager except for the gathering of dead material on the ground for use in recreation areas designated by the city manager.
Sec. 16-47. – Control of animals.
(a) No person shall bring or allow horses, cattle, or other livestock in camping, picnic, swimming, or other recreation areas except in areas designated by the city manager.
(b) No person shall bring dogs, cats, or other pets into developed recreation areas unless penned, caged, or on a leash under six feet in length, or otherwise under physical restraint at all times.
(c) No animals or pets are permitted in swimming beach areas. Unclaimed or unattended animals are subject to immediate impoundment and removal by the chief of police in accordance with state and local laws.
(d) Allowing unauthorized livestock to enter upon or to be upon Grapevine Lake or the reservoir area and failing or refusing to remove unauthorized livestock from Grapevine Lake or the reservoir area when requested by the chief of police is prohibited.
Sec. 16-48. – Explosives, firearms, other weapons, and fireworks.
Pursuant to 36 C.F.R. § 327.13, the possession of explosives, firearms, weapons and fireworks is prohibited at Grapevine Lake and the reservoir area, unless otherwise permitted by federal law.
Sec. 16-49. – Abandonment of personal property.
Personal property of any kind shall not be abandoned or left unattended upon Grapevine Lake or the reservoir area. Abandoned or unattended personal property is subject to impoundment and sale by the chief of police in accordance with state and local laws.
Sec. 16-50 – Advertisements
Advertising by the use of billboards, signs, markers, audio devices, or any other means whatsoever, including handbills, circulars, and posters, is prohibited without written permission of the city manager, a copy of which written permission shall be provided to the chief of police. Vessels and vehicles with semi-permanent or permanent paint installed signs are exempt as long as they are used for authorized recreational activities and comply with all other rules and regulations pertaining to vessels and vehicles.
Sec. 16-51 – Unauthorized structures
The construction, placing, or continued existence of any structure of any kind under, upon, in, or over Grapevine Lake or the reservoir area is prohibited without written permission of the district engineer and the city manager, a copy of which written permission shall be provided to the chief of police. The design, construction, placing existence, or use of structures in violation of the terms of the written permission therefore is prohibited.
Sec. 16-52 – Sanitation
(a) Garbage, trash, rubbish, litter, or any other waste material or waste liquid generated at or on Grapevine Lake or the reservoir area and incidental to authorized recreational activities shall be either removed from Grapevine Lake and the reservoir area, or deposited in receptacles provided for that purpose. The improper disposal of such wastes on Grapevine Lake or the reservoir area is prohibited.
(b) The use of refuse containers or other refuse facilities for dumping or disposal of household or commercial garbage, trash, rubbish, debris, sewage, dead animals, or litter of any kind brought onto Grapevine Lake or the reservoir area is prohibited.
(c) It is a violation to bring onto Grapevine Lake or the reservoir area any material for the purpose of disposal without written permission of the city manager.
Sec. 16-53 – Written permission
Written permission of the district engineer, chief of police or the city manager when required by the provisions of this article, unless specifically stated otherwise by the terms and provisions of this article, shall be carried by and be in the possession of the person to whom it was issued and shall be made available for inspection by the chief of police at all times while at or on Grapevine Lake or the reservoir area.
Sec. 16-54 – Glass beverage containers
(a) Definitions.
1) Glass beverage container means a container for the holding of a liquid for drinking purposes, which container is made of glass.
(2) Beach area is defined as all of the area contiguous to Grapevine Lake in the City of Grapevine, Texas, between 540 feet mean sea level and the edge of the water of Grapevine Lake.
(b) Possession unlawful; exceptions.
(1) It shall be unlawful for any person to use or possess any glass beverage container in the beach area.
(2) The prohibition in section (b)(1) above shall not apply where any such glass beverage container is used or possessed within the immediate enclosed confines of any privately owned or operated business nor inside a motor vehicle.
(c) Posting of notice. The city manager is directed to place prominent signs within the beach area advising persons of the prohibition contained in this section.
Editor’s note— Ordinance No. 80-44, adopted Aug. 19, 1980, did not specifically amend this Code; hence, codification of §§ 1—3 of said ordinance as 16-54 is at the discretion of the editor.
Sec. 16-55. – Consumption or possession of open container of alcoholic beverage.
It shall be unlawful for any person to consume an alcoholic beverage or possess an open container that contains an alcoholic beverage while in the following areas or within 15 feet of the following areas:
(1) Public roadways located at Grapevine Lake or the reservoir area; and
(2) All parking lots located at Grapevine Lake or the reservoir area; and
(3) All boat ramps at Grapevine Lake.
(a) All swimming, wading, snorkeling or scuba diving shall be undertaken at the person’s own risk.
(b) Swimming, wading, snorkeling, scuba diving or fishing is not allowed within 100 feet of boat ramps and public docks or other areas designated by the city manager.
(c) An international diver down or inland diving flag must be displayed during underwater activities.
Sec. 16-57. – Recreational use fees.
(a) The City of Grapevine will collect fees for the use of boat ramps, picnic pavilions, park entrance, camping or other activities and/or facilities yet to be determined.
(b) It shall be unlawful to fail to pay authorized recreation use fees as established herein, and is punishable as a violation of this article as set forth herein.
Sec. 16-58. – Vehicles.
(a) This section pertains to all vehicles, including but not limited to, automobiles, trucks, motorcycles, mini-bikes, dune buggies, all-terrain vehicles, trailers, campers, bicycles or any other such equipment.
(b) Vehicles shall not be parked in violation of posted restrictions and regulations, or in such a manner as to obstruct or impede normal or emergency traffic movement or the parking of other vehicles, create a safety hazard, or endanger any person, property or environmental feature. Vehicles so parked are subject to removal and impoundment at the owner’s expense.
(c) The operation and/or parking of a vehicle off authorized roadways is prohibited. Taking any vehicle through, around or beyond a restrictive sign, recognizable barricade, fence or traffic control barrier is prohibited.
(d) Vehicles shall be operated in accordance with applicable federal, state, and local laws, which shall be regulated by authorized enforcement officials.
Sec. 16-59. – Special events.
(a) Special events including, but not limited to, fishing tournaments, music festivals, dramatic presentations, parades, races or other special recreation events are prohibited unless a permit is obtained and approved by the City of Grapevine. All areas permitted shall be restored to the pre-event condition.
(b) The chief of police and/or the city manager shall have the authority to revoke the permit and require the removal of any equipment upon failure to comply with the terms and conditions of the permit.
Secs. 16-60—16-64. – Reserved.
Sec. 16-65. – Penalties and enforcement.
Any person, firm or corporation violating any of the terms or provisions of this chapter shall be guilty of a misdemeanor and upon conviction thereof shall be punished by a fine in a sum not to exceed $2,000.00 for each offense relating to fire safety, zoning, or public health and sanitation, including dumping of refuse, nor to exceed $500.00 for each offense for all other violations, and a separate offense shall be deemed committed each day during or on which a violation occurs or continues. The chief of police and/or the city manager shall have the authority to enforce the provisions of this article and shall have the authority to issue citations or to eject from any park any person in violation of this article.
Article IV – Off Leash Dog Parks (amended November 6, 2018)
Sec. 16-66. – Applicability
(a) In this Article, “Off Leash Dog Park” means the confines of a fenced recreation area that is owned or operated by the City of Grapevine and designated as an area for off-leash canines.
(b) This Article applies to the rules and regulations of Off-Leash Dog Parks.
(c) Unless otherwise provided by this article, the rules and regulations adopted in Article I of this chapter are applicable to Off-Leash Dog Parks.
(d) In the event and provision of this article is found to be in conflict with another provision in Chapter 16, the provisions in this article prevail.
Sec. 16-67 – Leashing, Unleashing & Control
(a) All dogs must remain on a leash outside of the Off-Leash Dog Park.
(b) Upon entering the fenced in area of an Off-Leash Dog Park, persons in control of a dog:
1) must unleash the dog in the area designated for unleashing; and
2) remove and pinch, prong or spiked collars
(c) Any person who brings a dog into an Off-Leash Dog Park shall remain within the off-leash area with the dog and keep such dog under visual and voice control at all times.
Sec. 16-68 – Food
Food or treats, either for human or canine consumption, is prohibited within the Off-Leash Dog Park.
Sec. 16-69 – Responsibility of Dog Owners
(a) Any person who brings a dog to an Off-Leash Dog Park shall immediately remove all fecal matter that is deposited by the dog.
(b) No person shall bring a dog into an Off-Leash Dog Park unless:
1) The dog has current rabies, distemper and parvo vaccinations;
2) The dog is wearing tags showing that it is currently vaccinated for rabies in compliance with Chapter 826 of the Texas Health and Safety Code and Chapter 6 of the Grapevine Code of Ordinances;
3) The dog is free from illness, disease, and parasites; and
(c) No person shall bring an animal other than a dog into an Off-Leash Dog Park.
(d) No person shall bring an aggressive dog into the Off-Leash Dog Park.
(e) If a dog exhibits aggressive behavior toward people or other dogs inside the Off-Leash Dog Park, the person who brought such dog must remove the dog immediately.
(f) No person shall bring a dog that has been banned from any other park.
(g) Any person who brings a dog to an Off-Leash Dog Park is liable for damages or injury inflicted by such dog.
Sec. 16-70 – General Rules
(a) Any child under twelve years of age must be under close adult supervision.
(b) No person shall bring a puppy under the age of six months inside the Off-Leash Dog Park.
(c) No person shall bring a dog weighing less than twenty-five pounds inside the Off-Leash Dog Park area designated for large dogs.
(d) No person shall bring a dog weighing twenty-five pounds or more inside the Off-Leash Dog Park area designated for small dogs.
(e) No person shall bring more than two dogs inside the Off-Leash Dog Park.
(f) No person shall bring a wading pool into the Off-Leash Dog Park.
(g) No person shall bring strollers, carriages, bicycles, skate boards, scooters, roller blades, or motorized vehicles into the Off-Leash Dog Park, unless it is used as an assistance device.
(h) No person shall bring a dog that has been determined to be a Dangerous Dog by the City of Grapevine pursuant to Chapter 6 or by any other municipality into the Off-Leash Dog Park.
(i) No person shall engage in a sports activity inside the Off-Leash Dog Park.
(j) Professional trainers and dog groomers shall not use the Off-Leash Dog Park to conduct business.
(k) If a dog bite occurs at an Off-Leash Dog Park, it must be reported to Grapevine Animal Services within twenty-four hours.
(l) No person shall bring a dog that is in hear inside the Off-Leash Dog Park.
(m) No glass containers are allowed in the Off-Leash Dog Park.
Sec. 16-70 – Enforcement
(a) Any person violating the rules of this Article may be subject to removal and suspension from the Off-Leash Dog Park.
(b) Any person asked to leave the Off-Leash Dog Park shall leave immediately.
(c) It is an offense to violate any provision of this Article.
(d) Any person found guilty violating this Article shall be punished by fine not to exceed $500.
- Reservations of facilities have priority use. For reservations call 817.410.3122
- For non-emergency police issues, please call dispatch at 817.410.8127
- Priority use by City Sponsored and Co-Sponsored organizations on Athletic fields.